Another way of celebrating was to light candles. The candles were for protection of the household. Cleaning was another tradition at this time. If you haven't put Christmas decorations away, now is a good time! It happens to be 40 days after Christmas which was the traditional date to put away the nativity scenes. 40 days is a very special number in Christianity, so I've noticed. I might spend the weekend cleaning up some of the dust that's settled everywhere and burn some mugwort or cedar to clear out what I can't see. I'll order some new seeds for the garden. And I guess I'll finally take that wreath off the door. Somehow, I always forget that wreath until spring! The spring equinox will be here in 6 weeks. In the northeast, we all know that anything can happen in those 6 weeks and the 6 weeks after. I definitely remember a few May snowstorms in my life! Regardless, we're on the up and up!
If you want an early spring harvest of hardy greens, now is the time to start them! This is a time of renewal and new beginnings, so traditionally it's a great time to start the literal seeds of spring. (Though it may be a struggle to get anything into the frozen ground. I recommend small plugs in a greenhouse or windowsill.) Maybe you want to plant some seeds in the form of intentions. Remember those New Years resolutions😬? Well, here's a chance to reassess and try again, or set some new ones.
Young chickens may lay their first egg and older chickens will increase laying again around this time. They tend to slow down or stop egg production all together in the darker days. We've bred many of them to ignore those cues from nature, and some farmers will offer supplemental lighting to trick them. It's crazy how we insist on fighting natural cycles and push that on our birds. Chickens need a break too!
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I've been taking Lion's Mane dual extraction for over 2 years now. It took me a little while to get into the habit of taking the extract, because well, memory. And forming a habit takes time. After a few weeks, I finally was consistently taking 1 dropperful 2 times a day. And I'm not turning back!
Here's what I noticed almost immediately:
Currently I am taking 1 dropperful an hour or so after waking up, and another before bed. This is a simple maintenance plan for me. It's what works for me. Some people take 2 droppers once a day, others take it in the afternoon. You do you. I like to take a break every once in a while. Once or twice a year I'll stop taking Lion's Mane for a few weeks to a month. It helps the body reset, and you get to realize how much it's helping! What my customers have noticed*:
Here are some other things my resource say it can help with. I don't have feedback on these things, so I can't personally go deeper.
All of my feedback is on the dual extract that I make in house. The research out there is based off of various extraction methods. I find that continued regular dosage is the most effective. Dual extracts make that easy. You could make a tea from the powder, drinking it twice a day regularly. This may be the best option for digestive issues. Or you could eat it, but you'd want to incorporate it into 2 meals a day every day. That's a lot of mushroom! There are capsules all over the internet. I'm not a huge fan of capsules, especially when it comes to herbs and mushrooms. It's hard to know if you're properly digesting them and I feel you're missing out when you don't get to taste what you're ingesting. Taste helps send messages to the body and trigger the appropriate response in the system. Please do your own research from trusted sources and consult with a doctor or other professional before jumping in. I try to focus on local herbs; herbs that can easily grow here in our climate. Cinnamon is not one of them. But it's such a staple in many people's lives, I can't ignore it!
Cinnamon is so popular this time of year. The first cool day seems to bring an instant switch from lemonade to pumpkin spice. (Pumpkin spice contains cinnamon.) Personally, I think we jump start everything a little too much. If you don't buy your Halloween candy by October 1st, you're stuck handing out red and green wrapped treats! Starting in September, or maybe even August, you can walk into almost any grocery or home goods store and you're blasted with the smell of cinnamon. (Even if it's still watermelon season. This is so confusing.) They hit you at the door with cinnamon broomsticks and pinecones. Then they have the candles, soaps, sprays and hopefully some yummy baked goods if your nose isn't blind to the smell by that point! They might be onto something. Cinnamon is slightly stimulating, waking you up, energizing and uplifting you, preparing you to get shopping. And I can't help but feel a little warmer and more festive and reminiscent when I smell it. Maybe even a little hungry because of the association with so many home baked goodies; apple and pumpkin pie, snickerdoodles, cinnamon buns, coffee bread, eggnog, spiced cider... Sometimes though, it's a little too much. I'll sneeze and feel like it's a little hard to breath. There can be too much of a good thing, especially when they start making artificial scents or flavorings. Here's an article on real cinnamon and one of the imposters out there… Do You Even Know What Cinnamon Tastes Like? | Ambrook Research And here's what I know about cinnamon… Cinnamon hits you first at the nose. It is heavy in essential oils, cinnamaldehyde being the main oil. Like I said before, the scent is slightly stimulating. I know I feel a little more perky and warm whenever I smell it. Take a sniff sometime when you're feeling a little fatigued and see if that helps! It may just generate a little extra strength, focus and motivation for you. Topically it warms the area you rub it on, creating more blood flow and relieving some pain. Be sure to use a diluted oil. That warming sensation can lead to irritation, and some may be more sensitive than others, feeling incredibly warmed! It can also repel insects such as mosquitos, their larvae and ants. I sometimes sprinkle cinnamon around when I have ants on the counter. They don't like it, but they usually find another path to what they want. A liquid spray made with the essential oil may be more useful. You can make a mouthwash from it to aid with bad breath, killing some of the bacteria in your mouth. I'd make a tea for this, as I don't agree with putting essential oils in my mouth. When it comes to eating cinnamon, this can be done in a few ways. Bake or cook with it, sprinkle it on toast or oatmeal, make a tea, hot cocoa, coffee, infused wine or cordial, or take a tincture. Cinnamon is great not just for sweet dishes like apple and pumpkin pie, it also pairs well with savory meals like lamb, chicken, squash or tomatoes. For the heart… Perhaps part of the reason cinnamon is so popular in the fall and winter months is because of it's warming properties, helping to stimulate the heart and circulation. It really gets the blood flowing! Cinnamon can help control blood sugar. James Duke says that blood sugar control may be due to the flavanoid methylhydroxy chalcone polymer (MHCP), an antioxidant that seems to activate insulin receptors inside your cells, making it easier for them to take in blood sugar for energy It may also help lower cholesterol. Cinnamon can also lower blood sugar, which helps prevent cardiovascular disease by reducing sugar’s damaging effects on the blood vessels. Cinnamon helps lower triglycerides, lower LDL cholesterol and lower blood pressure. For the guts… As we get into some of the heavier foods of winter, it's nice to add a little warming spice help with digestion and cinnamon can do that. It's known as an aromatic carminative that can help relieve gas and cramps and stimulate digestion. It can help with acid indigestion or heartburn. A tea or cinnamon toast the morning after a holiday party can even help with a hangover! When added to an herbal tea with other herbs, cinnamon can help enhance the absorption of other herbs and nutrients, and it covers the taste of some not so yummy herbs! Be careful if you're nursing, as it can make the milk spicy for the baby. Although that could come in handy if you're trying to wean a baby off mothers' milk! Cinnamon can be a great addition to a cold and flu formula. It can help warm you up and induce sweating, great for burning off a fever. It's also drying, so if you have a mucousy cough, runny nose and generally feel damp, cinnamon could help. Right now, I'm enjoying our Pumpkin Spice blend in all of my drinks! I put it in my morning coffee, then add it to my warm apple cider in the evening, perhaps with a little rum or bourbon. I've been baking with our Halloween pumpkins, and guess what? Pumpkin spice goes in, with a little extra cinnamon, because like garlic for an Italian, you always need a little more!
Preparation *Tips
If, like me, you forget to thaw the spinach, simply cook it in a steamer. One of our mixed bowls can also be a great option! Add 1# for a more mushroomy version. Chestnuts and pioppino add a nice nutty flavor and crunch. Oysters and others will add more of an umami meatiness. You can also use shallot and or onion in place of or in addition to garlic Preparation
This recipe is from our first monthly cooking demo featuring Chef Matt Collins. Check out Chef Matt Collin’s for private dinners and pop up events! Flavor Profile
Health Benefits
Storage and Cooking
We've been playing around with some mushrooms on the grill, now that the weather is nice. Not that weather really ever stops us from grilling. It's more the hot weather makes us not want to turn on the oven, so we take it outside! Here are some ideas for tossing some 'shrooms on the barbie!
I’ve also done this without the rice, because I forgot. It made for a nice stew. Preparation
Make the pickled onions ahead of time. Thinly sliced carrots, pineapple or mango could also be added. Feel free to add some other herbs to the onions. Other garnish ideas: Cilantro avocado mayo or sour cream Avocado Cotija cheese Fresh squeezed lime |
AuthorWe're nature lovers. We grow mushrooms, veggies, fruits and herbs on our 1/10th of an acre plot 4 blocks from the beach in NJ. We have chickens. We forage and birdwatch. These are our adventures in our backyard and beyond. Archives
January 2025