Packaged Goods
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Our homegrown Lion's Mane, Oyster and Shiitake mushrooms are mixed in this bag with a just right amount of spicy seasoning.
Ingredients: Smiling Earth Mushrooms, Liquid Soy Aminos, Apple Cider, Organic Maple Syrup, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Paprika, Organic White Pepper, Organic Garlic Powder, Organic Onion Powder, Smiling Earth Fennel
Gluten free and Vegan
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Our homegrown Lion's Mane, Oyster, Shiitake, Chestnut and Pioppino mushrooms are mixed in this bag for a sweet and savory treat that's not shy on ginger.
Ingredients: Smiling Earth Mushrooms, Non GMO Liquid Soy Aminos, Orange Juice, Honey, Rice Wine, Ginger and Organic Garlic Powder
Gluten Free and Vegetarian
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Our homegrown Lion's Mane, Oyster and Shiitake mushrooms are mixed in this bag with a lightly smokey barbeque flavor
Ingredients: Smiling Earth Mushrooms, Liquid Soy Aminos, Organic Ketchup, Mushtershire Sauce, Organic Black Pepper, Organic Garlic Powder, Organic Onion Powder, Smoke Flavor
Gluten free, Vegan
A mushroom seasoning blend to start your day! Sprinkle this on eggs, fries, dips, veggies and more.
Contains mixed mushroom powder*, organic turmeric, organic garlic powder, Himalayan pink salt, organic smoked paprika, parsley*
*grown by Smiling Earth
For a quick creamy salad dressing, mix about 1/4 cup mayo or sour cream, 1/4 cup buttermilk and 1tsp Rise N Shine. Then shake it!
An Italian mushroom seasoning blend! Sprinkle this on garlic bread, pizza, cheese, eggs, veggies and more.
Contains Mixed Mushroom Powder*, Organic Garlic Powder, Himalayan Pink Salt, Organic Red Pepper, Oregano*, Basil*, Organic Rosemary
*grown by Smiling Earth
A seasonal mushroom seasoning blend. This makes a really nice spiced cider or coffee or sprinkle it on toast, yogurt, granola, ice cream and fruit. Use it in baking pies or muffins too!
Contains Maple Sugar, Chestnut Mushroom Powders, Organic Cinnamon, Organic Clove, Organic Allspice, Organic Nutmeg
A mix of Chestnut, Lion's Mane, Maitake, Oyster, Pioppino, Shiitake Mushroom Powders
Add to any dish like soup, gravy, burger mix, etc. You could even throw it in your tea or coffee! It has a sweet mild flavor and can act as a thickener.
Cooking mushrooms increases your body's ability to absorb the nutrients.
1 oz = approx. 4 oz fresh
Shiitake Mushrooms
Lentinula edodes
1 oz. bag of dried mushrooms (equals about 1/4 pound fresh)
Soak them in water, broth or wine and cook as usual.
A tasty, versatile mushroom with a bit of an earthy, smokey flavor and a meaty texture. Popular in Asian dishes or miso soup. Great on steaks and burgers! Adds a meatiness to pastas and chilis. Great for risottos, soups, gravy, or any dish.
Shiitake - Smiling Earth Mushrooms (
Dried mushrooms could be used in place of fresh for the following recipes:
Stef’s Go-To Thai Dish - Smiling Earth Mushrooms (
Vegan Mushroom Veggie Soup - Smiling Earth Mushrooms (
Risotto (coming soon)
Lion's Mane Mushroom Powder (Hericium erinaceus)
Add powders to any dish like soup, gravy, burger mix, etc. You could even throw it in your tea or coffee!
Cooking mushrooms increases your body's ability to absorb the nutrients.
It has a sweet mild flavor and can act as a thickener.
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